Pre-school is not mandatory but is taken up by the majority of students. In most provinces there is some form of government funding or subsidy available for pre-school and early learning. These are run independently and are not part of the formal Government education system. Nursery is operated in childcare centres, crèches, nurseries, kindergartens or playgroups.

In Canada children may attend preschool prior to entry into the public schooling system from as young as 2 or 3 years old.

Therefore the information provided here should be treated as a general guide only and validated by province While in most cases there are government standards set by the province, in some cases the districts and individual schools set the rules. In some provinces high school is split into a middle and senior school components. Students then progress into secondary or high school from grade 7 or 8 through to Grade 12.

In general, the formal school system in Canada start in an optional kindergarten program, which is then followed by mandatory elementary / primary school starting in the year the child turns five or six. The education system including grade levels and age of entry requirements in Canada are managed by each of the province and territory governments and there are differences to be aware of between each region.